I'm a self-learner in maths & starting with real analysis. I looked for many books and many suggestions here (like this and this and many more) & finally choose Tao's Analysis volume. It's beatifully written, giving a beautiful overview and connected one aspect with another.
But since my mathematical maturity is still not that developed, sometimes I had to struggle pretty hard in undestanding simple things (like "$\varepsilon$ follow the axiom of substitution for equality", etc.). Another challenge I'm facing is many of the propositions in this book are given as exercise. This might be good, but for newcommer like me, it's bit difficult.
So, I was looking for a companion book which might help me practice my understanding while reading this book. The ordering of this alternative book's chapter might not be the same as Tao's (not even the entire scope as I think when I start understanding analysis bit more I can start walking with Tao on my own), but very similar. I don't want to go with Rudin
as I want to use it after finishing Tao as test of my understanding.