If $A$ is invertible, then $AA^{-1}=I$ (identity matrix), so
1=\det I=\det(AA^{-1})=\det A\det(A^{-1})
and therefore $\det A\ne0$.
The converse doesn't follow from Binet's theorem, but rather from the fact that the determinant is multilinear and alternating on the columns of a matrix.
Fact 1. If $A$ has a zero column, then $\det A=\det A+\det A$, so $\det A=0$.
Fact 2. If $A$ has two identical columns, then $\det A=-\det A$, by swapping them, so $\det A=0$.
Fact 3. If $A$ is not invertible, then $\det A=0$.
Since we want to show that $\det A=0$, possibly with a column swap we can assume that the last column is a linear combination of the other $n-1$ columns. Say $A=[a_1\ \dots\ a_{n-1}\ a_n]$, with
Then, by multilinearity and facts 1 and 2, we have
0=\det[a_1\ \dots\ a_{n-1}\ 0]=
\det A
-c_1\det[a_1\ \dots\ a_{n-1}\ a_1]
-c_{n-1}\det[a_1\ \dots\ a_{n-1}\ a_{n-1}]