I am following Nocedal and Wright's Numerical Optimization book for self study. In the Appendix section of the book, the following matrix norms are defined:
They defined the $l_2$ norm of the matrix $A$ as the largest eigenvalue of $(A^TA)^{1/2}$.
But I have also seen the following definition: $||A||_2 =\max_{i:n} \sqrt\lambda_i$ where $\lambda_i$ is the i. eigenvalue of the matrix $A^TA$.
(source: http://www.maths.lth.se/na/courses/FMN081/FMN081-06/lecture6.pdf)
I am not sure how these two definitions are equal. $A^TA$ is a symmetric positive definite matrix, hence it has positive eigenvalues. Assume that $\lambda_i$ is its largest eigenvalue. $A^TA$ has a unique positive definite square root with the eigenvalues $\sqrt{\lambda_i}$. Considering only this PD square root matrix, Nocedal's definition is correct. But there can be other square root matrices of $A^TA$ as well, for which different eigenvalues are the largest. And if $A^TA$ has repeating eigenvalues, it will have infinitely many square roots. Hence I think there is an ambiguity in the Nocedal's definition. Am I missing something here? How can be the book's definition correct?