
My question is about Definition 3.16 and Theorem 3.17 in Baby Rudin.

Definition 3.16: Let $\{ s_n \}$ be a sequence of real numbers. Let $E$ be the set of numbers $x$ (in the extended real number system) such that $s_{n_k} \rightarrow x$ for some subsequence $\{s_{n_k}\}$. This set $E$ contains all subsequential limits as defined in Definition 3.5, plus possibly the numbers $+\infty$, $-\infty$.

We now recall Definitions 1.8 and 1.23 and put $$s^* = \sup E,$$ $$s_* = \inf E.$$ The numbers $s^*$, $s_*$ are called the upper and lower limits of $\{ s_n \}$; we use the notation $$\lim_{n\to\infty} \sup s_n = s^*, \ \ \ \lim_{n\to \infty} \inf s_n = s_*.$$

Theorem 3.17 Let $\{s_n \}$ be a sequence of real numbers. Let $E$ and $S^*$ have the same meaning as in Definition 3.16. Then $s^*$ has the following two properties:

(a) $s^* \in E$.

(b) If $x> s^*$, there is an integer $N$ such that $n \geq N$ implies $s_n < x$.

Moreover, $s^*$ is the only number with the properties (a) and (b).

Of course, an analogous result is true for $s_*$.

Proof (a) If $s^* = +\infty$, then $E$ is not bounded above; hence $\{s_n\}$ is not bounded above, and there is a subsequence $\{s_{n_k}\}$ such that $s_{n_k} \rightarrow +\infty$.

If $s^*$ is real, then $E$ is bounded above, and at least one subsequential limit exists, so that (a) follows from Theorems 3.7 and 2.28. [I'll state these theorems after the proof. ]

If $s^* = -\infty$, then $E$ contains only one element, namely $-\infty$, and there is no subsequential limit. Hence, for any real $M$, $s_n > M$ for at most a finite number of values of $n$, so that $s_n \rightarrow -\infty$.

This establishes (a) in all cases.

(b) Suppose there is a number $x > s^*$ such that $s_n \geq x$ for infinitely many values of $n$. In that case, there is a number $y \in E$ such that $y \geq x > s^*$, contradicting the definition of $s^*$.

Thus $s^*$ satisfies both (a) and (b).

To show the uniqueness, suppose there are two numbers, $p$ and $q$, which satisfy (a) and (b), and suppose $p < q$. Choose $x$ such that $p < x < q$. Since $p$ satisfies (b), we have $s_n < x$ for $n \geq N$. But then $q$ cannot satisfy (a).

My question is about this paragraph:

If $s^* = -\infty$, then $E$ contains only one element, namely $-\infty$, and there is no subsequential limit. Hence, for any real $M$, $s_n > M$ for at most a finite number of values of $n$, so that $s_n \rightarrow -\infty$.

I understand the paragraph, but what I do not understand is why the second sentence is necessary.

The way I see it, is that since we assume $s^*$ exists, $E$ must be non-empty. But then, since $s^* = sup E = - \infty$, $E$ cannot possibly contain other elements than $- \infty$ (this would lead to contradiction) and since it contains at least one element, $E = \{ -\infty \}$. Hence $s^* \in E$.

Isn't this enough to prove that $s^* \in E$? Why does Rudin proceed to show $s^* \in E$ by the definition of $E$; this isn't necessary right?

If this were written in a different textbook, I would probably not ask this question, but since Rudin is not known for beating around the bush in his proofs, I'm wondering if I'm missing something.

Thanks for your efforts!

  • $\begingroup$ It's not very clear; if $E$ were empty, then you would still have that its supremum is $-\infty$ (it is an upper bound, and is the smallest of all upper bounds). So you still need to prove that $-\infty$ lies in $E$; that is, that there is in fact a subsequence whose limit is $-\infty$. The first sentence should be "contains at most one element", not "contains only one element", I think. (The empty set has a supremum, so assuming $s^*$ exists does not imply that $E$ is nonempty). $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 14, 2018 at 20:47
  • $\begingroup$ I guess that the intended meaning is “If $s^∗=-\infty$, then $E$ contains only one element, namely $-\infty$, and there is no other subsequential limit.” By itself this doesn't guarantee that $\lim_{n\to\infty}s_n=-\infty$ and the sense of the second sentence is exactly proving the limit exists. $\endgroup$
    – egreg
    Commented Dec 14, 2018 at 21:17
  • $\begingroup$ @StevenWagter The set $E$ contains all subsequential limits and possibly also $\infty$ and $-\infty$: it is not the set of all (finite) subsequential limits and this is clearly written out in the definition of $E$. $\endgroup$
    – egreg
    Commented Dec 14, 2018 at 21:24
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, I understood that. I think I now get it; in the case $s^* = - \infty$, we are not sure yet that $E$ is non-empty; though we know it contains at most one element, $-\infty$. Then Rudin goes on to show that $-\infty$ is indeed an element of $E$ by $E$'s definition. Thank both you guys. $\endgroup$
    – Steven
    Commented Dec 14, 2018 at 21:29

1 Answer 1


The set $E$ cannot be empty.

Consider the sequence $t_n=\arctan s_n$. Then this sequence has values in $[-\pi/2,\pi/2]$. Thus, by Bolzano-Weierstrass, it has a convergent subsequence; if this subsequence is $(t_{n_k})$, then there are three cases:

  1. the subsequence converges to a point $l\in(-\pi/2,\pi/2)$; then $s_{n_k}\to\tan l$;
  2. the subsequence converges to $\pi/2$; then $s_{n_k}\to\infty$;
  3. the subsequence converges to $-\pi/2$; then $s_{n_k}\to-\infty$.

I don't know whether at this stage the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem is already known. If it isn't, then the fact that $s^*=\sup E=-\infty$ tells you that either $E=\{-\infty\}$ or $E=\emptyset$.

In the first case, if a subsequence has a limit, then it is $-\infty$ and one such subsequence exists. In the second case, no subsequence has a limit. In either case, no subsequence has a finite limit, therefore $\lim_{n\to\infty}s_n=-\infty$ as proved in the second sentence.


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