Suppose $H$ is a co-dimension 1 embedded submanifold of $M$. Let $X$ be a vector field on $M$ such that $\forall x \in H$, $T_xM = T_xH \oplus X_x$. Now I want to show that there exixts an open set $U$ such that $N \subset U$, $U$ diffeo to $H \times (-\epsilon, \epsilon)$.
The proof is supposed to go as follows:
Let $\phi(x,t): M \times (-a,a) \to M$ be an integral flow of $X$, such that $\phi(x,0) = id_M$, $\phi(\cdot,t)$ is a diffeo for each $t$, and $\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \phi = X$. Then by the inverse function theorem, $\phi$ is a diffeo on a neighborhood of $U \times V$ of each $(x,0)$.
How does the inverse function theorem work? I understand that the construction is trying to make that the differential of the map land in TH and X separately. But there is no guarantee that the first part is in TH. Why can the local diffeo be elevated to a neighborhood containing the entire H?