Consider a complete graph G with n vertices.
Each vertex is indexed by [n] = {1,2,3...n} where n >= 4.
In this case, a Hamiltonian cycle is determined only by the collection of edges it contains, and we do not need to consider its orientation or starting point.
- How many Hamiltonian cycles are there in G?
- How many Hamiltonian cycles in G contains the edge {1,2}?
- How many Hamiltonian cycles in G contains the edge {1,2} and {2,3}?
- How many Hamiltonian cycles in G contains the edge {1,2} and {3,4}?
- Suppose that M is a set of k <= (n/2) edges, in which no two edges in M share a vertex. How many Hamiltonian cycles contain all edges in M? Give answer in terms of k and n
- How many Hamiltonian cycles in G do not contain the edge {1,2}, {2,3} and {3,4}?
The question really clusters into two parts.
PART 1: How do I discount "orientation" and "starting point"?
This has to do with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
I can calculate the combinations of edges there can be, but that's not what they're asking. They only want the combinations that form a Hamiltonian cycle.
Additionally, I don't see how you can just know whether a Hamiltonian cycle has crossed through a certain edge.
The more I think about it, the more I feel this is about combinatorial numbers as opposed to graph theory. Are they trying to trick me?
PART 2: How many cycles contain a set of edges that do not share a vertex.
This has to do with question 5, specifically.
My first response is "none..."?
If the graph is a complete graph, then all edges share a vertex at some point right? In that case, M seems to be an empty set and there are no Hamiltonian cycles that cover it. But that doesn't feel right at all...