Denote by $K$ the completion of $\bigcup_{n \geq 1} \mathbb{Q}_p (\zeta_{p^n})$, where $\zeta_{p^n}$ is a $p^n$-th root of unity. Is it true that any element in $K$ is a $p$-th power of some element in $K$?
I am grateful for any help!
Denote by $K$ the completion of $\bigcup_{n \geq 1} \mathbb{Q}_p (\zeta_{p^n})$, where $\zeta_{p^n}$ is a $p^n$-th root of unity. Is it true that any element in $K$ is a $p$-th power of some element in $K$?
I am grateful for any help!
Not true, except conceivably for $p=2$.
Your extension is (the completion of) an abelian field over $\Bbb Q_p$, but even in the case $p=3$, $\sqrt[3]3$ isn’t in it, ’cause $\Bbb Q_3(\zeta_3,\sqrt[3]3\,)$ is nonabelian over $\Bbb Q_3$.
Now that I have your attention, I would like to encourage you to become friends with the stronger version of Hensel, which is not about finding roots, but about lifting a factorization over the residue field to a factorization over the original complete field. I’m away from home right now, so I can’t give a precise reference, but it’s in the excellent book of Gouvêa.