Consider an auction in which the winner is the highest bidder, and he pays the third highest bid. Suppose there are three players and each player $i\in\{1,2,3\}$ has a valuation $v_i$ and bids $b_i$. Without loss of generality, assume $v_1>v_2>v_3$. In case of a tie, the bidder with the lowest index $i$ wins and pays $\min_{i}(b_i)$. The payoff of the winner $i$ is given by $v_i-p_i$, where $p_i$ is the value he will have to pay. The other bidders get a payoff of zero.
(a) Show that truth-telling (i.e. $b_i=v_i$ $\forall i$) is in general not a Nash equilibrium of this auction.
For this I have said:
Truth telling is not a dominant strategy with this auction. In order to explain this I will need you to suppose that I value an item at \$100, and there are 2 other bids, \$200 and \$10. I should bid \$201 and pay only \$10 for the item (note that the bid is higher than my private valuation). Consider three bidders. Suppose bidders 1 and 2 submit bids , respectively, and bidder 3's value is such that . If bidder 3 bids truthfully, her payoff is 0, because bidder 2 will win the object. However, if bidder 3 overbids, so that , then she would win the auction and get a positive payoff This shows that truthful bidding is not a dominant strategy: there exists a situation where playing truthful bidding is not a best response.
In the third price auction, the expected utility of for the bidder is: ( is your own bid, is the bid of the third place.)
(b) Show that everyone bidding the highest valuation (i.e. $b_i=v_1$ $\forall i$) is a Nash equilibrium of this auction.
I have no idea how to answer this one... someone please help