I want to show that all bivectors in three dimensions are simple.
If I understand correctly, a bivector is simply an element from the two-fold exterior product $\bigwedge^2V$ of a vector space $V$, right?
We can define $\wedge(e_i\otimes e_j):=e_i\otimes e_j - e_j\otimes e_i$. Now let $T=t^{ij}e_i\wedge e_j\mapsto t^{ij}(e_i\otimes e_j - e_j\otimes e_i)=(t^{ij}-t^{ji})e_i\otimes e_j$. This is injective. Because the wedge product as a linear map from the tensor product to the exterior product maps all symmetric tensors to 0.
We see that total antisymmetric tensors in this case are represented by skew-symmetric matrices. To show that they are all simple, I would have to show that the rank of any 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix is 1.
But the rank of a skew-symmetric matrix is never one.
I must have made a conceptual mistake somewhere again. Does anybody have a hint for me?
Geometrically, one can use the canonical isomorphism between the two-fold exterior product and $\mathbb{R}^3$ itself to show that any anyisymmetric tensor can be thought of as a vector in 3D, which in turn can be represented by the cross product of two vectors, that are not collinear to each other but orthogonal to that vector.