Consider the étale site $X_{ét}$ of a scheme $X$. As a category, this is the collection of all étale schemes over $X$.
Now, is this a set (i.e., is the étale site a small category)? If $X=Spec\ k$, one could suspect that every set has a scheme structure which is étale over $X$. Namely, $\coprod Spec \ k$, where the coproduct is taken over the cardinality of the set. If so, the class of étale schemes over $X$ would be a proper class.
Is this true?
Thank you in advance.
P.S.: My question is motivated by the following: if $X_{ét}$ is a proper class, I'm afraid $Sets^{X_{ét}^{op}}$ shouldn't be a category. But the theory of étale cohomology and of the étale topos is based on the fact that its "subcategory" of sheaves on the étale site $Sh(X_{ét})$ is indeed a category (which we call the étale topos). So, either $Sh(X_{ét})$ while $Sets^{X_{ét}^{op}}$ is not, which would be strange to me, or we have a problem.