
In his Lectures on Boolean Algebras, Halmos states the following theorem (p. 102):

Theorem 14 For every set $I$, there exists a free $\sigma$-algebra generated by $I$, and, in fact, that algebra is isomorphic to the $\sigma$-field of all Baire sets in the Cantor space $2^I$.

I don't understand this theorem.

By a theorem of Loomis, every (Boolean) $\sigma$-algebra is isomorphic to the quotient of a $\sigma$-field by a $\sigma$-ideal (a theorem that Halmos states himself on the same page). So, why is the free $\sigma$-algebra generated by $I$, as a $\sigma$-algebra, not isomorphic to the quotient of a $\sigma$-field by a $\sigma$-ideal?

PS: Halmos calls a Baire set an element of the $\sigma$-field generated by the clopen sets.

  • $\begingroup$ Can you say precisely what it is that you don't understand about the theorem? None of the things you have written give a reason to doubt the theorem... $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 22, 2018 at 16:20
  • $\begingroup$ It seems you have some deeper misunderstanding about things, but it is impossible to tell what this misunderstanding is from what you have written. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 22, 2018 at 16:28
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks @Eric for your comments. I rephrased my question. $\endgroup$
    – Beginner
    Commented Oct 22, 2018 at 16:52

1 Answer 1


So, why is the free $\sigma$-algebra generated by $I$, as a $\sigma$-algebra, not isomorphic to the quotient of a $\sigma$-field by a $\sigma$-ideal?

Theorem 14 says no such thing at all. It says the free $\sigma$-algebra generated by $I$ is isomorphic to a certain $\sigma$-field. This in no way means that it can't also be isomorphic to the quotient of a $\sigma$-field by a $\sigma$-ideal.

(In fact, Theorem 14 immediately implies that the free $\sigma$-algebra generated by $I$ is isomorphic to the quotient of a $\sigma$-field by a $\sigma$-ideal, since it is isomorphic to the quotient of itself by the trivial $\sigma$-ideal $\{0\}$.)


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