Let $\mathbb{F}$ be any field, and $P(\mathbb{F})$ the vector space of polynomials. A polynomial $p(x)\in P(\mathbb{F})$ is called a monic polynomial of degree $n$ if it is a polynomial of degree $n$, with leading term $x^n$. Let $S⊆P(F)$ be a subset of the form
$S=\{p_0(x),p_1(x),p_2(x),...\}$ where each $p_n(x)$ is a given monic polynomial of degree $n$.
a) Show that the set $S$ is linearly independent.
b) Show that the set $S$ spans $P(\mathbb{F})$.
(Thus, $S$ is a basis of $P(\mathbb{F})$.)
For this question, what does the monic polynomial of degree $n$ means, I want to prove $p_1(x)+p_2(x)+...+p_n(x)=0$, but I have no idea.