I want to find convex conjugate of $f(x) = (\max_{i \leq n}x_i)(-\sum \log x_i)$ where $x \in \mathbb{R}^n_{++}$. This function looks like the negative entropy function but there is $(\max_{i \leq n}x_i)$ instead of $x_i$.
It seems like $f^*(y) = \sup_x \{xy - f(x)\}$ is unbounded above for any $y$. I think so because I first tried to find conjugate of $g(x) = -\sum x_ilogx_i$. Then $x_iy_i+x_ilogx_i$ is unbounded for every $i$ even when all $y_i < 0$. The function in the title is even greater then negative entropy, so I thought that it is unbounded too. So what is conjugate of this function if the domain is empty?