Let {$v_1$, $v_2$,..., $v_r$} be basis of V and {$w_1$, $w_2$,..., $w_m$} be basis of W. Denote S = {$v_1$, $v_2$,..., $v_r$, $w_1$, $w_2$,..., $w_m$}. Show that S is linearly independent.
Suppose I assume that V∩W = $\{0\},$ how do I go about showing that S is linearly independent, meaning $a_1v_1+a_2v_2+...+a_rv_r+b_1w_1+b_2w_2+...+b_mw_m = 0$?
In another case if I assume instead that dim(V∩W) ≥ 1, how do I show that S is also linearly independent?