I've got some general confusion over Cauchy sequences I'm trying to clear up. Intuitively, I know that the Cauchy theorem lets us prove convergence of a sequence without knowing about the real number L it actually converges to, by establishing that the distance between two points in the sequence is very small, beyond a certain $N$. But actually proving something's a Cauchy theorem with the definition isn't as intuitive for me:
I'm trying to prove that the sequence $(x_n)$ which satisfies $|x_{n+1} - x_n| \le r|x_n - x_{n-1}|$ where $0 < r <1$, is a Cauchy sequence.
I started like this:
for $n > m$,
$|x_n-x_m| = r((|x_n - x_{n-1}|+(|x_{n-1}-x_{n-2}|)+...+(|x_{m+1}-x_m|)) =\sum_{i=m+1} r|x_i - x_{i-1}| \lt \sum_{i=m+1} r(r^{i-1}) \lt {\frac{r(r^{m}-r^{n})}{1-r}} $
but then I'm not sure on how I should proceed or if it's even on the right track (mostly because of that r out front in the numerator).
And I guess at the crux of it all, I'm struggling to understand; what are we actually showing when we apply the Triangle Inequality to these sequences in these proofs (i.e. the right hand side of $|x_n - x_m|)$? That the difference of a sequence beyond a certain point is smaller than all of these points in the sequence summed together (thereby helping us prove convergence)?
Thanks in advance!