Let $F$ is a function which maps objects and morphisms from one thin category $\mathcal C$ to another thin category $\mathcal D$. If the function preserve morphisms typing ($F$ associates to each morphism $f: X \to Y$ in $\mathcal C$ a morphism $F(f): F(X)\to F(Y)$ in $\mathcal D$), then
- $F$ also preserve identity morphisms and morphism composition and thus the function is a functor.
- $F$ is a full functor, because there is at most one morphism in each target Hom-set $\operatorname{Hom}_D(F(X),F(Y))$. And each of these morphisms is mapped from some source morphism.
If $F$ is injective on objects, then
- $F$ is a faithful functor, because there is at most one morphism in each source Hom-set. There is no distinct morphisms, which could be mapped to the same target morphism.
Are this statements right?