In a previous question of mine I was lead to believe that the stress tensor was a contravariant second order tensor in the sense of the isomorphism
$$\hom(V^*,V)\to V\otimes V$$
$V\otimes V$ are second order contravariant tensors. The stress tensor is an example of tensor $\hom(V^*,V)$ as it takes a "vector" (the argument $V^*$) and returns vector (the force vector that the plane feels). Now I'm not so sure that viewing the stress tensor as an example of $\hom(V^*,V)$ is tenable.
To explain, consider a linear transformation $f:V\to V$. In the standard basis $B=\{e_1,\dots,e_n\}$ this can be expressed as $[f(v)]_B =M[v]_{B}$. That is it takes coordinates of $v$ with respect to $B$ and returns the results in coordinates with respect to $B$. If $B'=\{e'_1,\dots,e'_n\}$ is another basis related to $B$ by
$$\begin{pmatrix} e'_1 & \cdots & e'_n \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} e_1 & \cdots &e_n \end{pmatrix}L$$
then $$L^{-1}[f(v)]_B = L^{-1} M L L^{-1} [v]_{B}$$ $$[f(v)]_{B'} = L^{-1} M L [v]_{B'}$$ The matrix M changes to $L^{-1}ML$ and we say the linear transformation is a mixed second order tensor because there is a $L$ and a $L^{-1}$. One coordinate is transforming contravariantly and the other covariantly.
However with the stress tensor interpreted as a $V^{*} \to V$, a second order contravariant tensor, I would expect to see something like $[f(\omega)]_B =M[\omega]_{B}$ being transformed to $[f(\omega)]_{B'} = L^{-1} M L^{-1} [\omega]_{B'}$.
But what I read instead for the stress $S$ across a surface perpendicular to $\mathbf{n}$ is, using einstein summation notation, $$S=\sigma^{km}(\mathbf{n}\cdot e_k)e_m=\sigma^{km}(\mathbf{n}\cdot \Lambda_k^i\tilde{e}_i) (\Lambda_m^j \tilde{e}_j)= \sigma^{km} \Lambda_k^i \Lambda_m^j (\mathbf{n}\cdot \tilde{e}_i) ( \tilde{e}_j)$$ where $\Lambda = L^{-1}$. This shows $\tilde{\sigma}^{ij}=\sigma^{km} \Lambda_k^i \Lambda_m^j $.
The input $\mathbf{n}$ that I called $\omega$ above makes no appearance as $[\mathbf{n}]_B$ like in the discussion of the linear transformation. How do I reconcile all of this?