Find all functions $f:\mathbb{N}^+\to\mathbb{N}^+$ such that $$f\big(f(n)\big)+f(n)=2n$$ for every $n\in\mathbb{N}^+$.
I think the answer is $f(n)=n$,We prove this by induction. (at last step I can't induction it)
It is true for $n=1$ because Let $f(1)=x\ge 1,$and let $n=1$,we have $$f(x)+x=2\Longrightarrow x=1$$
(2) Suppose it is true for $f(n)=n(n\le k)$,
then for $n=k+1$,let $f(n+1)=y$,so we have $$f(y)+y=2(k+1)\Longrightarrow f(y)=2(k+1)-y$$ it is easy to have $k+1\le y\le 2k+1$,and $$f(f(y))+f(y)=2y\Longrightarrow f(2k+2-y)=2y-f(y)=3y-2(k+1)$$ since $2k+2-y\in [1,k+1]$,then I can't it ,can you help? Thanks (if $2k+2-y\in [1,k]$,I have done it! bacuase $f(2k+2-y)=2k+2-y$,so $y=k+1$)