One technique for solving linear higher order ODEs is to seek solutions in the form $y(x) = y_1(x) \cdot y_2(x)$ where $y_{1,2}$ are solutions of some lower order ODE (input ODE), solutions that are known. In order to guarantee success of this method one has make sure that both the input and the target ODE (i.e. the ODE in question) have the same singular points. The target ODE has singular points at zero and at infinity and therefore we chose the Whittaker differential equation (which also has singularities at zero and infinity) as the input ODE.
Define $Q(x) := -A + k/x + (1/4-\mu^2)/x^2$. Then the equation(to be called input ODE) reads:
\frac{d^2 y_{1,2}(x)}{d x^2} + Q(x) y_{1,2}(x) = 0
is solved by
y_{1}(x) &=& M_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x) \\
y_{2}(x) &=& W_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x)
where $M_{\cdot,\cdot}(x)$and $W_{\cdot,\cdot}(x)$ are Whittaker functions .
Now we differentiate our function $y(x)$. We have:
&&y(x) = y_1(x) y_2(x) \\
&&y^{'}(x) = y_1^{'}(x) y_2(x) + y_1(x) y_2^{'}(x)\\
&&y^{''}(x) = -2 Q(x) y_1(x) y_2(x) + 2 y_1^{'}(x) y_2^{'}(x)\\
&&y^{'''}(x)=-2 Q^{'}(x) y_1(x) y_2(x) - 4 Q(x) (y_2(x) y_1^{'}(x) +y_1(x) y_2^{'}(x)) \\
&&y^{''''}(x)= (8 Q^2(x)-2 Q^{''}(x)) y_1(x) y_2(x)-6 Q^{'}(x)(y_2(x) y_1^{'}(x) +y_1(x) y_2^{'}(x)) -8 Q(x) y_1^{'}(x) y_2^{'}(x)
Now we insert the expressions above into our target ODE and recognize that there will be only three type of terms being proportional to firstly $y_1(x) y_2(x)$, secondly to $(y_1(x) y_2^{'}(x) + y_2(x) y_1^{'}(x))$ and thirdly to $y_1^{'}(x) y_2^{'}(x)$ with the proportionality constants being polynomials of order at most four in the variable $1/x$. Now all we need to do is to choose the parameters $(A,\kappa,\mu)$of our input ODE so that the polynomials in question are all identically equal to zero. Even though the later seems to be a very strong requirement it turns out that solutions do exist for a certain choice of the parameters $\left(a_i \right)_{i=1}^5$ of the target ODE.
As a matter of fact the following is true.
Let $a_2$ and $a_3$ be arbitrary real numbers. Then let :
a_1&=& 3\\
a_4&=& a_1 \cdot a_3\\
Then the set of functions $(y_1(x) y_2(x), y_1(x)^2,y_2(x)^2)$ where
y_{1}(x) &=& M_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x) \\
y_{2}(x) &=& W_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x)
and $(k,\mu,A)= (0,\sqrt{1-a_2}/2,-a_3/4)$ solves the target ODE.
The following Mathematica code verifies that:
In[125]:= {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5} = RandomInteger[{1, 10}, 5];
a1 = 3;
a4 = a1 a3;
a5 = 0;
{k, mu, A} = {0, Sqrt[1 - a2]/2, -a3/4};
y1[x_] = WhittakerM[k/(2 Sqrt[A]), mu, 2 Sqrt[A] x];
y2[x_] = WhittakerW[k/(2 Sqrt[A]), mu, 2 Sqrt[A] x];
FullSimplify[(D[#, {x, 4}] +
a1/x D[#, {x, 3}] + (a3 + a2/x^2) D[#, {x, 2}] +
a4/x D[#, {x, 1}] + a5 #) & /@ {y1[x] y2[x], y1[x]^2, y2[x]^2}]
Out[132]= {0, 0, 0}
Update 0:
It is more likely for us to obtain new solutions if we introduce additional parameters into the system. This can be done by replacing $y_{1,2}(x) \rightarrow r_0 y_{1,2}(x) + r_1 y_{1,2}^{'}(x)$ where $r_0$ and $r_1$ are new parameters that come into play. Having done that we just repeat the procedure above and interestingly enough we find a new solution.
Let $a_3$ and $a_5$ be arbitrary real numbers. Now let :
a_4&=& \frac{3}{2} \left(a_3+\sqrt{a_3^2-4 a_5}\right)
Then the set of functions:
(r_0 y_1(x) + r_1 y_1^{'}(x))\cdot (r_0 y_2(x) + r_1 y_2{'}(x))\\
(r_0 y_1(x) + r_1 y_1^{'}(x))\cdot (r_0 y_1(x) + r_1 y_1{'}(x))\\
(r_0 y_2(x) + r_1 y_2^{'}(x))\cdot (r_0 y_2(x) + r_1 y_2{'}(x))
y_{1}(x) &=& M_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x) \\
y_{2}(x) &=& W_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x)
and $(k,\mu,A)= (0,1/2,1/8(-a_3-\sqrt{a_3^2-4 a_5}))$ and
r_0=\frac{\imath \sqrt{a_5} r_1}{\sqrt{2} \sqrt{a_3-\sqrt{a_3^2-4 a_5}}}
solves the target ODE.
Again, we used Mathematica to verify our result.
In[292]:= a3 =.; a5 =.; r1 =.; r0 =.; Clear[y1]; Clear[y2];
{a1, a2, a4} = {3, 0, 3/2 (a3 + Sqrt[a3^2 - 4 a5])};
r0 = (I Sqrt[a5] r1)/(Sqrt[2] Sqrt[a3 - Sqrt[a3^2 - 4 a5]]);
{A, mu, k} = {1/8 (-a3 - Sqrt[a3^2 - 4 a5]), 1/2, 0};
y1[x_] = WhittakerM[k/(2 Sqrt[A]), mu, 2 Sqrt[A] x];
y2[x_] = WhittakerW[k/(2 Sqrt[A]), mu, 2 Sqrt[A] x];
FullSimplify[(D[#, {x, 4}] +
a1/x D[#, {x, 3}] + (a3 + a2/x^2) D[#, {x, 2}] + a4/x D[#, x] +
a5 #) & /@ {(r0 y1[x] + r1 D[y1[x], x]) (r0 y2[x] +
r1 D[y2[x], x]), (r0 y1[x] + r1 D[y1[x], x]) (r0 y1[x] +
r1 D[y1[x], x]), (r0 y2[x] + r1 D[y2[x], x]) (r0 y2[x] +
r1 D[y2[x], x])}]
Out[298]= {0, 0, 0}
Update 1:
Here is a third possible way to tackling the problem in question.
We know that we can always annihilate the coefficient at the third order derivative by writing $y(x)=\exp(-1/4 \int(a_1/x dx)) \cdot v(x)$ and then apply the procedure described above to the equation satisfied by the function $v(x)$. If we do this we obtain another solutions to the ODE is shown below.
Solution 1:
Let $a_3$ be real and then let the following:
a_4&=&\frac{a1 a3}{2}\\
Then define
y_{1}(x) &=& M_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x) \\
y_{2}(x) &=& W_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x)
where $(k,\mu,A)= (0,1/2,-a_3/4))$.
Then the set of functions $(y_1(x) y_2(x)/x, y_1(x)^2/x,y_2(x)^2/x)$ satisfy the ODE in question. The Mathematica code snippet verifies it:
In[13]:= a3 =.; a1 =.; k =.; A =.; mu =.; Clear[y1]; Clear[y2];
{a1, a2, a4, a5} = {4, 0, (a1 a3)/2, 0};
{k, A, mu} = {0, -a3/4, 1/2};
y1[x_] = WhittakerM[k/(2 Sqrt[A]), mu, 2 Sqrt[A] x];
y2[x_] = WhittakerW[k/(2 Sqrt[A]), mu, 2 Sqrt[A] x];
FullSimplify[(D[#, {x, 4}] +
a1/x D[#, {x, 3}] + (a3 + a2/x^2) D[#, {x, 2}] + a4/x D[#, x] +
a5 #) & /@ {1/x y1[x] y2[x], 1/x y1[x]^2, 1/x y2[x]^2}]
Out[18]= {0, 0, 0}
Solution 2:
Let $a_5$ be real and then let the following:
r_0=\frac{\sqrt{a_5}}{2(-a_5)^{1/4}} r_1
Then define
y_{1}(x) &=& M_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x) \\
y_{2}(x) &=& W_{\frac{\kappa}{2\sqrt{A}},\mu}(2\sqrt{A} x)
where $(k,\mu,A)= (0,1/2,-1/4 \sqrt{-a_5})$.
Then the set of functions:
(r_0 y_1(x) + r_1 y_1^{'}(x))\cdot (r_0 y_2(x) + r_1 y_2{'}(x))\cdot x^{-2}\\
(r_0 y_1(x) + r_1 y_1^{'}(x))\cdot (r_0 y_1(x) + r_1 y_1{'}(x))\cdot x^{-2}\\
(r_0 y_2(x) + r_1 y_2^{'}(x))\cdot (r_0 y_2(x) + r_1 y_2{'}(x))\cdot x^{-2}
satisfy the ODE in question. The Mathematica code snippet verifies it:
In[1]:= a1 =.; a2 =.; a3 =.; a4 =.; a5 =.; r1 =.; r0 =.; Clear[y1]; \
{a1, a2, a3, a4} = {8, 12, 0, 0};
r0 = Sqrt[a5]/(2 (-a5)^(1/4)) r1;
mu = 1/2; k = 0; A = 1/4 (-Sqrt[- a5]);
y1[x_] = WhittakerM[k/(2 Sqrt[A]), mu, 2 Sqrt[A] x];
y2[x_] = WhittakerW[k/(2 Sqrt[A]), mu, 2 Sqrt[A] x];
FullSimplify[(D[#, {x, 4}] +
a1/x D[#, {x, 3}] + (a3 + a2/x^2) D[#, {x, 2}] + a4/x D[#, x] +
a5 #) & /@ {(r0 y1[x] +
r1 D[y1[x], x]) (r0 y2[x] + r1 D[y2[x], x])/
x^2, (r0 y1[x] + r1 D[y1[x], x]) (r0 y1[x] + r1 D[y1[x], x])/
x^2, (r0 y2[x] + r1 D[y2[x], x]) (r0 y2[x] + r1 D[y2[x], x])/x^2}]
Out[7]= {0, 0, 0}
Of course what we have found are only very particular solutions to the target ODE however one can readily see that by introducing additional transformations and in turn additional parameters we might be able to find more solutions. One possibility to try would be to firstly try a change of variables $x\rightarrow f(x)$ and $d/d x \rightarrow 1/f^{'}(x) d/d x$ in the input equation and then choose $f(x)$ in such a way that the target equation is solved.