Let matrix $A\in M_n(\mathbb R)$ is symetric matrix such that $a_{11}=-1,a_{22}=-1,a_{33}=1$ and spectrum of $A=\{\lambda,\omega\}$ such that $\lambda>\omega$. $N(A-\lambda I)=L(v_1,v_2)$ and $N(A-\omega I)=L(v_3)$ where is $v_1=(1,1,0),v_2=(1,1,1),v_3=(1,-1,0)$ .
What can conclude about signs of number \lambda and omega?And explain the answer.
I have more question about this matrix, but I know other question, since this matrix is not positive definite then does not mean that eigenvalues is positive, it is not even negative definite because for $e_3^TAe_3=a_{33}>0$, so does not mean that eigenvalue is negative, but only on what I doubt is that $\lambda>\omega$, but in spectrum it put first $\lambda$ then $\omega$ maybe that does not mean anything but, in some set you put first smaller number then bigger,bit since $A=A^T$ using spectral theorema $A=Q\Lambda Q^T$, there exist orthogonal eigenvectors so it mean that matrix A have three linear independent column, so eigenvalues is not zero, do you see more information?