The extremal of the functional $$J[y]=\int_{0}^{\log 3}[e^{-x}y'^2+2e^x(y'+y)]dx$$ where $y(\log 3)=1$ and $y(0)$ is free is
1. $4-e^x$
2. $10-e^{2x}$
4. $e^{2x}-8$
Now, I used the Euler-Lagrange equation to come up with the following extremal
$$y(x)=ae^x+b ~~~~~~~~~~(1)$$ where $a$ and $b$ are constants. Then by using the condition $y(\log 3)=1$, I got $1=3a+b$.
Now by looking at $(1)$, I can conclude that option 2 and 4 are not correct. Again by choosing $a=-1$ we get $b=4$, which satisfied option 1, and by choosing $a=1$ we get $b=-2$, which satisfied option 3.
But the answer given is only option 1. What is the problem with option 3? Since one boundary is given to be free, we can use $a$ and $b$ freely right? Or am I wrong somewhere? Please help me in this. Thanks.