Consider the square $[0,1]^2$ with the dictionary order (the restriction of the dictionary order on $\mathbb R^2$ to the subset $[0,1]^2$. I'm trying to understand why the set $A=\{1/2\}\times (1/2,1]$ is not open in the order topology on $[0,1]^2$.
Munkres give this picture that should clarify things:
The order topology on the square is given by the basis that consists of all elements of the form $[a_0,b)$ where $a_0=(-1,1)$, $(a,b_0]$ where $b_0=[1,1]$, and $(a,b)$ (w.r.t. the dictionary order). The definition of $A$ being open is this: for every every $t\in A$ there is a basis element $U$ s.t. $t\in U\subset A$. Its negation is: there is $t\in A$ such that for all basis elements $U$ it is not true that $t\in U\subset A$. But I couldn't find such $t$ and unravel "it is not true that $t\in U\subset A$".