Consider three-tape (tape $1$ for the input, tape $2$ for the computation, tape $3$ for the output) two-symbol (blank symbol and non-blank symbol) Turing machines.
Let $F(x, y)$ denote the minimal natural number greater than number of non-blank cells on the output tape when machine #$x$ halts given $y$ as the input in unary encoding ($0$ = “$1$”, $1$ = “$11$”, $2$ = “$111$” etc.), where $x$ is the natural number that identifies the corresponding Turing machine. For clarity, we assume that if machine #$x$ does not halt on $y$, then $F(x, y) = 0$.
Now we can note that each Turing machine #$i$ corresponds to a particular infinite sequence of natural numbers: $$S_i = (F(i, 0), F(i, 1), F(i, 2), \ldots).$$
Then we can define that two Turing machines #$p$ and #$q$ are $F$-different if the sequence $S_p$ differs from the sequence $S_q$.
The Dominating machine is defined as any $Z$-state Turing machine #$D$ such that there exist some minimal natural number $A$ and if you choose any natural number $B \geq A$, denote $F(D, B)$ by $a$, then choose any natural number $K$ that corresponds to any $z$-state machine (where $z \leq Z$ and $K \neq D$) and denote $F(K, B)$ by $b$, you will always observe that $a \geq b$.
Do such machines exist? If no, then why? If yes, then let $V$ denote the minimal number of states in the table of instructions of the first Dominating machine. Can we assume that if we choose any number $W$ from the set $\{V+1, V+2, \ldots\}$ and explore all $W$-state Turing machines, then $W$ will correspond to its own family of Dominating machines (assuming that the family contains at least one Dominating machine) and any Dominating machine from this family is $F$-different from any $(W-1)$-state Dominating machine?