I know that, given an open cover $\{U_\alpha\}$ of a manifold $M$ and a family of smooth maps $\,f_\alpha: U_\alpha \to N$ that agree on overlaps, it is possible to construct a smooth $f:M \to N$ that restricts to $f_\alpha$ on each $U_\alpha$.
My question is, are there conditions under which you can do the same thing with a family of local diffeomorphisms? I have a family of such maps defined on open subsets of some $M$ that agree on overlaps, and I would like to glue them together on some larger open set and have the extended map remain a local diffeomorphism. Is such a thing possible?
EDIT: To be more clear, I suppose I mean conditions on which the extended map is a diffeomorphism on the entire larger open set. It is obviously still a local diffeomorphism after extension.