I am looking to find an exact solution to the Hausdorff dimension of a Julia set $J(f)$ for a polynomial $f: z \mapsto z^2 +c$ given an arbitrary $c$.
I know this question is known for a number of special cases. For example, if the $c$ is on the boundary of the Mandelbrot set, it has dimension 2. The dimension for $c=0$ is obvious as well. Are there any other cases known exactly? If so, how are they found? I'd imagine there are a number of measurements using box-counting methods to approximate the dimension for various cases.
Also, have there been efforts to calculate the dimension of a Julia set for any polynomial or rational function $p : \Bbb{C} \to \Bbb{C}$?
Any knowledge of work done in this area or a place to start would be awesome.
EDIT: Googling the question led to a number of papers. These are the results I have found:
This paper gives the dimension of some set of points, although googling the word "biaccesible" only brings up that paper and references to it.
This one shows that Julia sets for $c$ arbitrarily close to the boundary of the Mandelbrot set have dimensions arbitrarily close to 2.
This one [pdf] gives a number of results:
- The dimension of $J(f)$ is less than 2 if $f$ has no non-periodic recurrent critical points
- The Julia set of rational $f$ is hyperbolic $\implies$ The Hausdorff dimension as a function of $c$ is continuous
- Some other results that seem to require another paper
The introduction of this paper Says that for a rational $f$ we have yet to find a Julia set with positive area and doesn't contain the whole Riemann sphere. (Doesn't $z \mapsto z^2$ provide a counterexample? I'm not sure I understand this one) I also proves a result about the Julia set of a $\sin $ function.
A paper from Harvard [pdf] gives ways of calculating the dimension numerically, and proves that the Hausdorff dimension is continuous from the Feigenbaum point (is this the same one from bifurcation diagrams?) to 1/4.
I'm going to read through more and these ones more carefully. In the meantime any guidance would help.