Let $M,N$ be a smooth manifolds of dimension greater than $2$. Suppose that there is a Lie group $G$ acting on $M,N$, and that $f:M \to N$ is a smooth injective equivariant map.
Suppose further that the action of $G$ on $M$ has a finite number of orbits $H_i$ , which are embedded submanifolds of $M$. Since $f$ is equivariant, its restriction $f|_{H_i}$ has a constant degree on each orbit $H_i$. Since it is injective, all the $f|_{H_i}$ are immersions (by the constant rank theorem).
Question: Is it true that $f:M \to N$ is an immersion?
In general, an "immersion by parts" does not need to be an immersion; The dimensions of the orbits $H_i$ can differ, and the "total rank" can fall when passing between the different $H_i$.
However, I wonder if there is a chance for something like this to hold, when we assume there is a finite number of orbits for the action.