Based on this question: What is the homology groups of the torus with a sphere inside?
I'm trying to find the fundamental group of this space using the Seifert–van Kampen theorem. If $U$ is the torus and $V$ is the sphere, then $U\cap V$ is the circle, thus we have the following fundamental groups:
$\pi_1(U)=\mathbb Z\times\mathbb Z$
$\pi_1(U\cap V)=\mathbb Z$
If we use the group presentation notation we have:
$\pi_1(U)=\langle\alpha,\beta\mid \alpha\beta=\beta\alpha\rangle$
$\pi_1(U\cap V)=\langle\gamma\mid\emptyset\rangle$
Thus using the Seifert–van Kampen theorem:
Note that I added $\beta$ above because when we turn around the generator of $S^1$ which is $U\cap V$, we span one of the generators of the torus which is $U$.
Thus the fundamental group of this space is $\mathbb Z\times \{0\}$ which is $\mathbb Z$ itself.
My approach is correct?
Thanks a lot!