I met an optimization problem as follow: $$\max_{\bf{x}} \frac{\bf{c}^T\bf{x}}{\sqrt{||\bf{x} ||_1}}, \\ s.t. \quad \bf{x}\in\{0,1\}^N \\ || \bf{x}||_1 \le M$$ where $\bf{x}$ is a non-zero binary vector and $M$ is given. My attempt was to replace $\frac{\bf{x}}{\sqrt{||\bf{x} ||_1}}$ with $\bf{t}$. So the problem becomes:
$$\max_{t}\bf{c}^T\bf{t} \\ s.t. \quad \bf{t} \in \mathbb{R}^N\\ ||\bf{t}||_1 \le \sqrt{M}$$
The problem seems to become easier, since it is now a linear programming over a L1 norm ball. But my concern is that those two problems are not equivalent, however, I couldn't figure out other methods to approach the original problem. Could anyone point me out some resources to tackle the problem?