Let $R$ be an integral domain and let $D$ be a nonempty subset of $R$ that is closed under multiplication. Prove that the ring of fractions $D^{-1}R$ is isomorphic to a subring of the quotient field of $R$
Let $F$ be $R$'s quotient field, and let $\iota : D \to F$ be defined by $\iota(d) = de/e$, where $e$ can be taken to be any element in $D$. Since this is map is an injective homomorphism, there is an injective homomorphism $\phi : D^{-1}R \to F$ such that $\phi_D = \iota$. The map being injective implies that $D^{-1}R$ is isomorphic to $\phi(D^{-1}R)$, a subring of $F$.
Does this sound right?
Note that I am using the following theorem in my proof:
Theorem 15: Let $R$ be a commutative ring, $D \subseteq R$ nonempty multiplicative subset without $0$ or any zero divisors. Then there is a commutative unital ring $Q$ such that $R$ is a subring of it and every element of $D$ is a unit in $Q$. The ring $Q$ has the following additional properties:
(1) every element of $Q$ is of the form $rd^{-1}$ for some $r \in R$ and $d \in D$. In particular, if $D=R-\{0\}$, then $Q$ is a field
(2) Let $S$ be any commutative unital ring and let $\varphi : R \to S$ be any injective ring homomorphism such that $\varphi(D)$ is contained in the units of $S$. Then there is an injective homomorphism $\phi : Q \to S$ such that $\phi|_R = \varphi$.
I am using (2), in particular, in concluding that $\phi$ exists.