In the equation below: $$s_l(t)=\sum_{k=-\lfloor{N_{sc}^{RB}/2}\rfloor}^{\lceil{N_{sc}^{RB}/2}\rceil-1}a_{k^{(-)},l}^\,.e^{j2\pi(k+1/2)\Delta f(t-N_{CP,l}T_s)}$$
where: $0\le t\lt (N_{CP,l}+N)\times T_s$ , $k^{(-)}=k+\lfloor{N_{sc}^{RB}/2\rfloor}$, $N = 2048$, $\Delta f=15kHz$
I know the values of: $N_{sc}^{RB}$, $N_{CP,l}$ and $T_s$.
Simply put, I want to solve for $a_{k^{(-)},l}$ which is a vector of values. And I know all the values of the other parameters. $s_l(t)$ is a vector as well which values I know.
Is it possible to reverse the order of the equation to calculate for $a_{k^{(-)},l}$ ?