Define $\|\cdot\|\colon V \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ by $\|a\| = \sum 2^n |a_n| $, where $V$ denotes the vector space of all sequences $a=(a_1,a_2,a_3,\dotsc)$ of real numbers such that $\sum 2^n |a_n| $ converges.
Which of the following are true?
1) $V$ contains only the sequence $(0,0,\dotsc)$
2) $V$ is finite dimensional
3) $V$ has a countable linear basis
4) $V$ is a complete normed space
My answer: it is already given that $\sum 2^n |a_n| $ converges. That means $V$ contain contains only the sequence $(0,0,\dotsc)$ so option 1) is correct.
Option 2 is incorrect because $\mathbb{R}$ is uncountable, as continuous image of uncountable is uncountable.
I'm confused about option 3 and option 4.
Please help me.
Any hints/solution will be appreciated.