So I realise this is quite an easy question, but for some reason I can't see the solution. So the question followed on from a previous question where we used a quadratic equation to find the dimensions of a right angle triangle.
This question is: Find the dimensions of all rectangles in which the area equals the perimeter + $3.5$, and in which the longer sides are twice the length of the shorter sides.
So my solution is:
side = $x$
length = $2x$
so then: length x width = length + length + width + width + $3.5 $
$2x*x = 2x + 2x + x + x + 3.5 $
$2x^2 = 6x + 3.5 $
$-2x^2 + 6x + 3.5 = 0$
Then I would factorise this to find the positive values of $x$ that can be then used to determine the length of the rectangle. I am struggling to factorise while one of the values is $3.5$. Is there a way to more easily conceptualise how to factorise with non whole values? thanks.