Since an exotic sphere is a differentiable manifold $M$ that is homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to the standard Euclidean $n$-sphere, we may not be able to distinguish spheres from exotic sphere through characteristic classes.
However, it is still worthwhile to know the basic characteristic class data of spheres:
Stiefel–Whitney class $w_i$: Spheres are orientable and non-spin, thus $$ w_1(S^d)=0, $$ $$ w_2(S^d)=0, $$ More generally, what do we have for other $i$: $$ w_i(S^d)=? $$
Chern class $c_i$: Even-dimensional spheres have an even-real dimensional tangent bundle $TS^d$, thus we may define the Chern class $$c_i(TS^d)=c_i(S^d)=?$$ One may also consider the frame bundle of spheres $$c_i(FS^d)=?$$
Euler class: $$ \chi(S^d)=2, \text{ if $d$ even}; $$
$$ \chi(S^d)=0, \text{ if $d$ odd.} $$Wu class $u_i$: is related to the Stiefel–Whitney class $w_i$ through Stenrod square, so $$ u_1(S^d)=u_2(S^d)=u_3(S^d)=0 $$ More generally, what do we have for other $i$: $$ u_i(S^d)=? $$
Pontryagin class $p_i$: $$ p_i(S^d)=? $$ We can consider all the $d=0 \pmod 4$ dimensions of spheres. We know that $p_1(TS^4)=0$ and $p_1(FS^4)=?$ (The frame bundle of spheres).
Are there other powerful/ useful Characteristic classes of spheres?