The following question actually came up (in a minor role) in research recently and I am having quite a hard time deciding it. Still the straightforward nature of the question made me decide to post it to stackexchange instead of overflow. Any help would be appreciated.
Suppose $A$ is a filtered vector space with filtration $$\ldots \supset F^{-l}A\supset F^{1-l}A\supset\ldots F^{-1}A\supset F^0A\supset F^1A\supset\ldots\supset F^kA\supset F^{k+1}A\supset\ldots$$ such that $\bigcup_kF^kA=A$ and $\bigcap_kA=\{0\}$. Then we define the corresponding metric $d\colon A\times A\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\geq0}$ by setting $d(v,w)=0$ if $v=w$ and $d(v,w)=2^{-|v-w|}$ is $v\neq w$ where for all $x\neq 0$ we have $|x|=\max\{k\mid x\in F^kA\}$. We now suppose additionally that $A$ is complete. Finally consider another vector space $B$ with a similar filtration and again such that $B$ is complete for the corresponding metric.
Now the (algebraic) tensor product is naturally equipped with the filtration $$F^k(A\otimes B)=\bigoplus_{\substack{i,j\in \mathbb{Z}\\ i+j=k}}F^iA\otimes F^jB$$ and it is striaghtforward to show that this is again a filtration such as the one above. The question is now simple. Is the metric corresponding to this filtration on $A\otimes B$ complete? Of course I also want to know why/why not.
I think that it is in fact complete, but I can't quite come up with a proof. The first thing to try would be to show that Cauchy sequences in $A\otimes B$ are somehow "built" out of Cauchy sequence in $A$ and $B$ respectively, but this is not straightforward, since for instance taking any sequences $a_k\in F^{2k}A$ and $b_k\in F^{-k}B$ yields a Cauchy sequence $a_k\otimes b_k$ in $A\otimes B$. The sequence $B_k$ however does not need to be Cauchy at all! of couse in this specific case the sequence converges to $0$. Even just considering Cauchy sequences of pure tensors $a_k\otimes b_k$ I seem to be having some trouble.