This is actually two questions, that have a similar premise:
If points in $\mathbb{R}^2$ are chosen stereographically randomly (i.e. chosen uniformly randomly on the surface of the unit sphere and then projected via $(x,y,z) \mapsto (\dfrac{x}{1-z}, \dfrac{y}{1-z})$), then what is the probability that two random line segments (determined by their endpoints) in the plane will intersect?
If points on the surface of the unit sphere are connected by a geodesic, then what is the probability that two random geodesics on the sphere will intersect?
The first problem was easy enough for me to run a Monte Carlo simulation to obtain the answer—though I have no idea how to tackle it theoretically—and I believe I have an argument that the answer to #2 should be $\dfrac{1}{8}$ (just looking for verification). It is as follows:
If $P(g)$ is the probability that a random geodesic will intersect the given geodesic $g$, then we observe that $P(g) = \dfrac{1}{2} \cdot \dfrac{\theta}{2\pi}$, where $\theta$ is the length of $g$ (probability of $\dfrac{1}{2}$ that the random geodesic will have endpoints on opposite hemispheres of the great circle induced by $g$, multiplied by the proportion of this great circle that $g$ covers). As can be computed, the probability that a random geodesic will have length $\leq \theta$ (for $0 \leq \theta \leq \pi$) is $\dfrac{2\pi(1-\cos(\theta))}{4\pi} = \dfrac{1-\cos(\theta)}{2}$; differentiating, we get the probability density function $D(\theta) = \dfrac{\sin(\theta)}{2}$. We combine these results with Fubini's theorem to get
$$\int_0^\pi \dfrac{\theta D(\theta)}{4\pi}~~d\theta = \dfrac{1}{8}$$
In short, is my answer for #2 correct, and how do I solve #1?
Edit: Problem 1 reposted here.