In my work, I encountered the following optimization problem.
Given symmetric, positive definite matrices $K_1, K_2, \dots, K_n$, find symmetric, positive definite matrix $R$ that minimizes
$$\max \{ |1-\alpha_{\max}|, |1-\alpha_{\min}| \}$$
where $\alpha_{\min}$ and $\alpha_{\max}$ are the minimal and maximal eigenvalues of $K_1 R, K_2 R, \dots, K_n R$.
Are there any explicit solutions for this problem? If not, are there any numerical algorithms?
Thanks in advance.
Edit 1: Now, I am looking for a numerical solution based on the gradient descent technique. The eigenvalues of $K_1 R, K_2 R, \dots, K_n R$ are the same as the symmetric tensors $S_1=\sqrt{R}K_1 \sqrt{R}, S_2=\sqrt{R}K_2 \sqrt{R}, \dots, S_n=\sqrt{R}K_n \sqrt{R}$. The derivatives of eigen value $\alpha$ with respect to the original Hermitian matrix $S_i$ is available in the link Derivatives of eigenvalues.
Shortly we have $\partial \alpha/\partial S_i=v\otimes v$ where $v$ is the asociated eigen vector. The remaining work is to find $\partial S_i/\partial R$. Are there explicit expressions for $\partial S_i/\partial R$ or $\partial \sqrt{R}/\partial R$?