The definition of a Tensor as a multilinear map is usually given as
$$T:V^* \times V^* \times\ ... \times\ V \times V \to R$$
Where $V$ is the vector space and $V^*$ is its dual space and $R$ is the real field. Why can't the tensor be a map from different vector spaces to different vector space? like
$$T:V^* \times W^* \times\ ... \times\ V \times W \to Z$$
Can the mapping: $$V^* \times W^* \times\ ... \times\ V \times W \to Z$$
Be represented as a tensor?
For ex: I know that a tensor product can be defined as a bilinear map: $$\otimes:V \times W \rightarrow V {\otimes} W$$ and by the universal property any bilinear map: $$\alpha:V \times W \rightarrow Z$$ can be given uniquely as linear map $$u:V {\otimes} W \rightarrow Z$$
but here, is the linear map $u$ that is acting on memebers of $V \otimes W$ (which are type (2,0) tensors i guess?) a tensor too?
How is the definition of tensor as a multilinear map from differnt vector spaces, like $$T: V \times W \rightarrow R$$ (a type (0,2) tensor I guess?)
or $$T: W^* \times V \times W \rightarrow R$$ (a type (1,2) tensor i guess?)
given? Is it possible to give the define tensor as a multilinear map that takes inputs form different vector spaces and their dual spaces?
I am asking because, the definition of tensor as a multilinear map is always given as map from same,let it be V, and its dual, V*. $$T: V^{*^p} \times V^q \rightarrow R$$ and never using differnt vector spaces and their duals like $V$, $W$, $V^*$,$W^*$. Can tensor take in elements from different vector spaces?(I know generally multilinear maps can be defined like this and also that tensor can be defined as an element of the tensor product of different vector spaces.)