Thinking of multiplication outside of numbers is pretty straightforward, but division is tricky. That led me to the notion of Division Rings, and got me wondering if you could instead define division "trivially" to make it into a field.
What I mean by that is, division is undefined for certain numbers, mainly divide by zero:
But what if you just said that divide by anything is undefined. Or to take it only half way, say we have 2 values in our system $a$ and $b$. We can only divide by $a$. Wondering if that is enough to say "we have division" to allow the definition of a field to be applied. Then say we have 3 values, and we can only divide by 1 of them, so 33%, then 25%, then ... 0.000001% of the values we can divide by. At some point we could say that we can't divide by anything, yet division is still defined (to make it into a field). Division by the "empty" value, let's say.
Wondering if that works or how I should think about that. Also wondering, if it is possible to define division like this, what you lose when thinking about the system in terms of a field.