I have a simple questions concerning how $\sigma$-Algebra and Algebra are defined in my textbook. In it, it defines:
$\sigma$-Algebra is a class of sets $A$ st:
- $\Omega \in A$ (omega being the entire space)
- A is closed under set complements
- A is closed under countable unions
And Algebra is defined as a class st:
- $\Omega \in A$ (omega being the entire space)
- A is closed under set Differences
- A is closed under unions
My confusion comes from the set difference vs set complements part. It seems to me that closure under set difference is a stronger condition than closure under set complements. But the textbook seems to be treating a $\sigma$-Algebra as just an algebra that is closed under countable unions. Are set difference and complements equivalent due to the other conditions?