This is from Paolo Aluffi's book "Algebra: Chapter 0". First, find the order of $[9]_{31}$ in the group $( \mathbb{Z}/31\mathbb{Z})^*$. Then, does the equation $x^3 - 9 = 0$ have any solutions in $\mathbb{Z}/31\mathbb{Z}$?
The order of $9$ is $15$: Repeated squaring shows $9^{16} = 9$. The order has to divide the order of the group, which is $30$, so that looks fine.
But I get stuck trying to prove $x^3=9$ does not have a solution. I tried to say something like:
"$9^{16} = 9$ but $3 \nmid 16$ so there is no solution"
... but that does not seem correct. Can I get a hint (not solution) on how to solve this? I am learning Group Theory, and have not yet gotten to Rings, Fields, or Modules.