In counting problems it plays a huge rôle whether the objects one is dealing with, or the actions one performs, are labeled or not. Stanley in his Enumerative combinatorics, Vol. 1, distinguishes 12 ways to count maps $f:\ A\to B$, depending on whether $f$ is supposed to be arbitrary, injective, or surjective, and whether the elements of $A$, resp. $B$, are labeled or not.
If you want to derive some combinatorial formula for unlabeled objects it may helpful to label them anyway and then forget about the labeling in a second step. Consider the following example:
In how many ways can 3 red, 5 blue, and 2 yellow balls be arranged in a row? Label the red balls from 1 to 3, the blue balls from 1 to 5, and the yellow balls 1 and 2. Then we have 10 distinguishable balls which can be arranged in $10!$ ways. Now the 3 red balls among them can be arranged in $3!=6$ ways which cannot be distinguished when we rip of the labels, and similarly the blue balls can be arranged among them in $5!=120$ ways, the yellow balls in $2$ ways.
It follows that the total number $N$ of linear arrangements of the colored, but unlabeled balls is given by
$$N={10!\over 3!\cdot 5!\cdot 2!}=2520\ .$$