Let $X$ be the space formed by gluing the boundary of the Mobius band around $S^1\vee S^1$ along the path $a \cdot b$ (see figure.) I would like to use Van Kampen's theorem to find a presentation for the fundamental group of $X$.
Using $U$ and $V$ as shown in the picture, we see that $V \simeq \{point\}$, $U \simeq S^1\vee S^1$, $U \cap V \simeq S^1$, so
$\pi_1(V) \cong \{e\},\; \pi_1(U) \cong \Bbb Z\ast\Bbb Z=<a,b>, \;\pi_1(U\cap V)=<c>$
Including a generator of $\pi_1(U \cap V)$ into $V$ adds no knew relations since $V$ is simply connected. Is it correct that including into $U$ adds the relation $c=ab$, since travelling around $c$ is the same as travelling around $a$ then $b$? This would imply by Van Kampen's theorem that
$\pi(X,x)\cong <a,b,c \ | \ c = ab>$
for any $x$ in $U \cap V$.
Thanks in advance!