If the complex number Z satisfies $ |Z^2 - 9| + |Z^2| = 41 $ then the true statements among the following are ?
$A)$ $|Z+3| + |Z-3| = 10$
$B)$ $|Z+3| + |Z-3| = 8$
$C)$ Maximum value of $|Z|$ is $5$
$D)$ Maximum value of $|Z|$ is 6
(More than one option may be correct)
The inital equation in the question indicates the fact that the locus of $Z^2$ is an ellipse with foci at $0$ and $9$. But this doesn't help much.
If we put $Z = x + iy$ and simplify. We get an ellipse in $Z$. I get $99y^2 + 63x^2 = 1600$ (but I may be incorrect). How do I proceed from here to validate any of those options?
There seems to exist a much simpler way to solve this question.
All help will be appreciated.