This feels like grade-school level probability but I'm having a bit of trouble thinking about it :(
Broadly speaking: I'm predicting $n$ independent Bernoulli events, what's the probability of me making at most $k$ ($k < n$) number of mistakes?
I try to formulate the problem into a more formal setting:
Given the Bernoulli distribution of a set of independent events $\mathcal{A} = \{e_1, e_2, e_3, ..., e_n \}$, the probability of me not making a mistake (or success): $p(e_i)$ is known and fixed. (for an example: $\mathcal{A} = \{e_1, e_2, e_3\}$, and $p(e_1)=0.3, p(e_2)=0.6, p(e_3)=0.7$, each one means how likely am I going to succeed at event $i$).
I want to use these statistics (but possibly I can collect more...if needed), to compute the following:
- What is the probability of me with complete success (making zero mistake)? (I'm thinking it's $1 - \prod_i (1-p(e_i))$)
- What is the probability of me making at least one mistake? (regardless of which one)
- Is there a formula equation for this $\forall n \forall k$?
Any help would be appreciated!!