I would like to calculate the $W_{LMMSE}$ and $b_{LMMSE}$ for X which is a uniform random variable between $-\pi/2$ and $\pi/2$ and $Y=\sin(X)$. I have the following info:
$\Sigma_{XY} = 2/\pi$
$\Sigma_X = \pi^2/12$
I want to confirm if the following formula are correct?
$$W_{OLS} = \Sigma_{XY}/\Sigma_{X} = 24/\pi^3$$
$$b_{OLS} = \Sigma_{XY} - W_{OLS} \cdot \mu_X = 2/\pi$$
We have
$$(W_{LMMSE}, b_{LMMSE}) = \text{argmin}_{W, b} E[(Y-WX-b)^2] $$
I assume in this case Ordinary Least Square is same as Linear MMSE (Minimum Mean Squared Error)(LMMSE) (please correct me if I am wrong).