For 2-D steady, incompressible inviscid flow, subject to a conservative body force $\underline{X} = -\nabla\chi$, Helmholtz's vorticity equation reduces to $$\nabla^2\psi = -\Omega(\psi)\quad \text{where}\quad \underline{\omega} = \underline{\nabla}\times\underline{u} = \Omega(x,y,t)\underline{\hat{k}}$$ is the vorticity vector and $\psi$ is the $2$-D stream function. Consider $2$-D channel flow through a constriction with rigid walls $y = 0$ and $y = f(x)$ such that far upstream $(x\to -\infty)$ we have $f(x)\to h$ and far downstream $(x\to+\infty)$ we have $f(x)\to bh$ $(0<b<1)$.
Assume that far upstream we have $\psi\to\psi_L(y),$ $\underline{u}\to u_L(y)\underline{\hat{\imath}}$ and $\Omega\to\Omega_L(y)$ as $x\to-\infty$. Find $\psi_L(y)$ and $\Omega_L(y)$ for a velocity profile has the no-slip form $$\underline{u}\to u_L(y)\underline{\hat{\imath}}\quad\text{where}\quad u_L(y) = U_0\sin\left(\frac{\pi y}{h}\right)$$ where w.l.o.g take $\psi = 0$ on $y = 0$. Hence, find the function $\Omega = \Omega(\psi)$ and the vorticity equation to be satisfied by $\psi$ for all $x$. By assuming $\psi\to\psi_R(y)$ as $x\to+\infty$, solve for $\psi_R(y)$ and show that $\underline{u} \to u_R(y)\underline{\hat{\imath}}$ where $$u_R(y) = U_0\left[\sin\left(\frac{\pi y}{h}\right) + \frac{1 + \cos(\pi b)}{\sin(\pi b)}\cos\left(\frac{\pi y}{h}\right)\right]$$
So I have that $\underline{u} = \underline{\nabla}\psi\times\underline{\hat{k}}$. Then I found that $$\underline{\nabla}\times(\underline{\nabla}\psi\times\underline{\hat{k}}) = -\nabla^2\psi\underline{\hat{k}} = \underline{\omega} = \Omega(x,y,t)\underline{\hat{k}} \Rightarrow -\nabla^2\psi = \Omega(x,y,t) \Rightarrow \nabla^2\psi = -\Omega(\psi)$$ Now I need to find $\psi_L(y)$ and $\Omega_L(y)$. How would I do this?
And once I have those, I should find that as $(x\to-\infty)$ the streamfunction $\psi$ is a function of the vorticity $\Omega$. Assuming this function holds for all $x$, substitute into Helmoltz vorticity equation. This gives a $2^{\mathrm{nd}}$- order linear equation for the streamfunction.
Now assume the streamfunction $\psi$ tends to $\psi_{R} (y)$ as $x$ tends to $+\infty$. The vorticity equation should reduce to a $2^{\mathrm{nd}}$- order ODE. I then need to solve for $\psi_{R} (y)$ and confirm $u_{R} (y)$.
I have all this process layed out but I need guidence how to follow it through.