I would like to compute the commutator subgroups of $SL(2,2)$, $SL(2,3)$ and $GL(2,3)$.
For the group $G:=SL(2,2)$, we have $|G|=6$. We can easily show that $G$ is nonabelian. And hence either $|G'|=2$ or $|G'|=3$. Since the set of transvection generate $G$, $G'$ can not contain a transvection, which is conjugate to $\left(\begin{array}{cc}1&0\\1 &1 \end{array}\right)$. Hence $|G/G'|=2$, and so $|G'|=3$. Hence $G'=C_3$ is a cyclic group of order $3$.
Is the above argument correct? How can I do for other groups $SL(2,3$ and $GL(2,3)$?
Many thanks in advance.