The essence of self-similar fractals is that rescaling the original shape and gluing together a number of identical copies will produce the same overall shape. The quadratic type 2 curve is an example of such a fractal. You scale down the original shape by a factor of $1/4$ and piece together $8$ copies to get the same fractal:
This results in a fractal with dimension $\log_{4}{8} = 1.5$:
What I'm interested in, and what I mean by "semi" self-similar, is fractals where there are differently scaled copies of the shape building up the entire image. For example, if the vertical "middle" of the quadratic type 2 curve is treated as one iteration, rather than two, then the copy of the curve making up this piece is only scaled by $1/2$, while all of the other pieces are scaled by the original $1/4$. This ends up producing quite a different-looking fractal:
Another example would be a "shark fin" fractal, similar to the Koch snowflake, but where the "middle third" has a right triangle with height $1/3$, and hypotenuse $\sqrt{2}/3$:
Any ideas about how to calculate the Hausdorff dimensions of such shapes would be greatly appreciated!