Let $X$ be a scheme with structure sheaf $\mathcal O_X$ and let $\mathcal B$ be a quasi-coherent $\mathcal O_X$-algebra. Let $\mathcal F$ be any sheaf of $\mathcal B$-modules.
In EGA I, § 9, Prop. 9.6.1 it is asserted that then the following holds:
Then $\mathcal F$ is quasi-coherent over $\mathcal B$ if and only if $\mathcal F$ is quasi-coherent over $\mathcal O_ X$.
The proof of the implication $\Rightarrow$ is easy, but the other direction is hard to digest for me: EGA argues as follows: we may work locally on $X$, hence assume $X=Spec(A)$, whence $\mathcal B$ corresponds to a $A$-algebra $B$ and $\mathcal F$ corresponds to a $B$-module $M$ (namely, because $\mathcal B$ and $\mathcal F$ are quasi-coherent over $\mathcal O_X$).
Then it reads without explanation that $M$ is isomorphic to the cokernel of a map
$(*) \quad B^{(I)} \rightarrow B^{(J)}$,
and hence by taking the tilde-construction we see that $\mathcal F$ is quasi-coherent over $\mathcal B$.
Apriori, one should only be able to write $M$ as a cokernel of a map $(*)$ with $B$ replaced by $A$, but tensoring with $B$ doesn't seem to give $M$ as cokernel, but $M\otimes_A B$.
My question is why one may write $M$ as a cokernel of a map $(*)$, as claimed in EGA.
Or any other proof of the desired implication
"$\mathcal F$ quasi-coherent over $\mathcal O_X \Rightarrow \mathcal F$ quasi-coherent over $\mathcal B$"
would be very appreciated.