I try to solve the following problem ( Exercise 5c.4 from M.Isaacs Finite Group Theory).
Suppose that all Sylow subgroups of finite group $G$ are cyclic. Show that for every divisor $m$ of $|G|$ there exists a subgroup of order $m$ and show that every two subgroups of order $m$ are conjugate in $G$.
I prove the existence part of this problem by induction on $|G|$ using the following facts
- $G'$ and $G/G'$ are cyclic groups of coprime orders.
- $G$ is solvable
Also I have used the Shur-Zassenhaus theorem. But I don't know how to prove the conjugacy part. I tried to also reduce it to Schur-Zassenhaus theorem, but my attempts failed. So, I will be gratefull for ideas and hints.